
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

My Dilemma

Elevators and electric stairs are the best things they have ever invented! Anything that can prevent me from moving my legs up and down is a blessing.

Now here is my dilemma, In 2011, I was diagnosed with a "Degenerative Joint Dease” in simple words, I suffer from Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common arthritis. Osteoarthritis is when the cartilage of your bones wears down (very painful), meaning bone to bone. I went through physical therapy, did cortisone shots, etc., but nothing took the pain away.  After seeing three different Orthopedics, they all agreed the knee replacement was the best option. So in  2013, I had a total knee replacement done to my right knee.  But did it resolve my issue? NO!  There are days that I feel that the prosthesis in my knee is cutting through my skin, or there are days that it is so stiff that  I walk like the Pirate Jack Black. I still have a couple of surgeries to be done but, I'm in no rush, Sometimes the cure is worse than the pain.

So my darlings, let's get back to the elevator now that you guys know where I am heading.

Every day I take the train to work, as I am commuting, I am crossing my fingers, my legs, crossing even my eyes to hope that the elevator is working at my stop.  I hate going up the stairs; there can be only five steps, but it feels like a never-ending staircase when my knee is stiff and hurting. Besides having people push you, it is difficult to maintain balance on the stairs if I can't hold to the rail.

So what can I do? I take the elevator.  Taking the elevator is no joke.  Then, you had to be in the NFL or be a wrestler to get to the elevator.  Nowadays, people can see you with crutches, a cane, in a wheelchair, or you have a baby carriage and, they jump in front of you to be the first to get on the elevator. What kills me is that the elevator is on the top floor; usually, what goes up must go down that the law of gravity.  But people knowing that the elevator just went up, see you press the button for the elevator to come down; they walk right in front of you and start tapping the up button.  Hmmm, Is there a morse code that expedites the elevator to come down that I was not aware?


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