
Saturday, March 7, 2020

Parent Hood

I am not one to call myself Christian but I do believe in the lord.  Do I read the bible daily? No, I do not.  Do I go to church every Sunday? No, I do not. However, that does not stop me from believing that God almighty has watched over me all these years.

When I was young I did mistake, because I was young and ignorant, I was not perfect.  Now that I am older, I try to share my mistakes with my children, they will teach their children from their mistakes, and it will go on and on.

Everybody knows that being a parent is not easy.  When your children are small, you teach them the good and the bad, you love them and you protect them, and you pray and hope that no harm will every come to them.

Even when your children become adults, you fear for them and still protect them. My opinion is when your children become adults it is even harder to be a parent.  When your children were small, you could protect them, put them under your wings and watch over them closely.  Once they become adults they have a mind of their own, they live their life their way.   Once adults you can give them advice but there Is no guarantee that they will follow your advice. When they fall on their knees be there to lift them up, when they get married you wish that the marriage last forever, when they become parents you pray that they be good parents and so on and on.

Some marriages after some years of marriage break up.  That is when you become the mother of a divorced child. That is when your ex-son in law or ex-daughter in law title changes to “The mother of your grandchildren” or “father of your grandchildren”.  The love you have for them will not change only the marital status they had with your child. That is when you are caught up in the middle of the break up.

Being the mother of a divorce child is not always a piece of cake, especially when there are grandchildren involved. Children are blessings, and don’t ask to be brought into this world therefore we protect our children and try to keep them safe from any pain and hurt they can receive from a broken marriage. In most divorce, children remain with the mother and the mother will vow to stand by their child for every step they take. The mother will carry the weight of the emotional part of the life of the children. And she/he is always ready to say anything negative of the child’s father/mother.  This only create bitterness for the children.

The love of a mother is incomparable; we can see it in the bible when King Solomon of Israel ruled between two women both claiming to be the mother of a child. Solomon revealed their true feelings and relationship to the child by suggesting cutting the baby in two, with each woman to receive half. The true mother preferred to give up her child to the other woman instead of having the baby cut in two.

My heart belongs to my children, and I will always stand by their side even though they are wrong or right if they are 20, 30, 50 years old it doesn’t matter because they are still my children. I ask the lord to give me wisdom, and to keep them safe and keep them away from all that can cause them pain and harm to their hearts. I guess what I am trying to say is that even though I don’t hear their laughter in the house, I don’t see them sitting by me I will always love them and protect them against those that want to cause them harm.